These photographs were taken at commercial fishing piers, primarily in Newport, RI and New Bedford, MA. Trawlers docked onshore and fishing gear piled on nearby piers are captured after the fishermen and deckhands have suspended their work for the day.  Despite the eerie absence of the crew, their presence persists in the random placement of tools, parts, ropes and nets, the positioning of pulleys and winches, half-painted hulls, a door left ajar. I think of this project as a collaboration with both the people who work the waterfront and the briny from which they earn their living. The forces of the sea and the hands of the crew coalesce to reveal an unexpected elegance, based in movement and gesture, which arises from their co-creation.

Entanglement is a phenomenon in the bizarre world of quantum mechanics that occurs when pairs or groups of particles interact or share spatial proximity in ways such that the state of each particle cannot be described independently of the state of the others.  While on one level this concept applies to all the work in Edge of Chaos, it most strongly parallels this recent body of work.

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